131st Field Regiment Royal Artillery

War Diary for October 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt-Col J.M. HAILEY R.A.
Place Date Hour Summary References to Appendices
NIJNSELL 1st Continued sp was given to the consolidation of the line at BEST. No spectacular results were reported.
4th 1500 Commitments and posn taken over by units of 51st (H) Inf Div. Div moved into "rest" area near Gemert, for Maintenance and reinforcements. 54 reinforcements were received from R.H.U. on the 15th Oct.
GEMERT 7th Rece of posns at Cuijk, on the MAAS, was carried out but the position was never occupied. Instead, the RA of the Division was ordered to the OPLOO-OVERLOON area to sp the 3rd Inf Div attack to VENRAIJ. This move was accomplished on the 9th, arriving at the gun position at approx. 1430 hrs. The positions taken over had been evacuated the previous day by units of the 11th Armed Div.
OPLOO 9th The period 9th-11th was occupied by local skirmishing and a general "tee-ing up" for Op. Constellation. A posn was chosen to cover the possible move forward of the guns to range beyond VENRAIJ, and in addition orders were received to recce a position near WEERT on the American left flank. These positions were never occupied.
14th (William Pinkney)
17th 1030 The Regiment moved back to its previous positions at GEMERT, taking over from a unit of the "Buffs" who had been in occupation. The course of the next few days was spent in maintenance and awaiting Ops role.
GEMERT 21st 0815 Location was changed to NISTELRODE (4847) to sp the attack of the 53 (W) Div and its sp armoured Bde ( 7th ) on S'HERTOGENBOSCH. Actual location was at DE VENHOF, a small hamlet near LOESBROEK.
NISTELRODE 22nd 1420 Commencement of move to sp 227 Bde on left flank of 51st (H) Div in the attack forward from BEST towards TILBURG. Position was reached about 1730hrs, route via:- DINTHER - VEGHEL - ST CEDENRODE.
NIJNSEL 25th 0700 Location advanced towards BEST. The Regiment was halted at NASTEBEEST and went into firing posns. But the same afternoon (1530hrs) was pulled out without firing and advanced towards OIRSCHOT. Final positions were at 264275 where the enemy were engaged in the attack on TILBURG
OIRSCHOT 26th Shelling on 495 "B" Ech posn at 0800hrs resulted in 3 Killed and 4 wounded (one slightly) (Robert Daniels, James Flemings and William Gollan)
27th 1030 Regiment moved forward to 244305 and laagered at MOESTERGHOUT, with orders to be ready to move at short notice. Move finally took place at 0830hrs the following morning, and the Regiment proceeded via TILBURG to a position at 1634. At 1500hrs on the same day, orders were received to proceed to ASTEN area. During the advance, GAF planes bombed HELMOND in advance of the recce columns. No causalities resulted in the Regiment. The new location was finally occupied at 2130hrs, and sp was given while tps of the 227 (H) Inf Bde, and later the other Bdes of the Division were moving up. An average of 5000 rds per day were expended during the period until the end of the month. (Alexander McIntosh)
29th (Ernest Moss)